A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Victoria's Secret Body Spray: True Escape

Hello Lovelies!
So I am sure you are all aware, the January sales have hit stores in full force. Personally, I hate sales. Working in retail means I have to be around them a lot, and the thought of shopping in them as well as working in them just makes me feel sick if I'm honest! However, when I heard there was a really good sale in Victoria's Secret, I just couldn't resist sneaking a peak on my break!
Sadly I do not have a haul for you, as I am saving my pennies so I had to be a good girl and just limited myself to buying a few body sprays! I bought myself True Escape, and I also bought a couple of others for my friends. They usually cost £10.99 but were on sale for £5.50 - bargain in my opinion!

The bottle is 250ml and the scent is "solar jasmine and pomelo" I'm really poor when it comes to explaining scents, but I would say its lovely and sweet but not too sweet and is just really refreshing. True Escape also lasts hours even though it's only a body spray. I also think the bottle is just beautiful and it looks lovely in my room! I'm not sure I'd pay the full price for these knowing you can get them for the sale price occasionally, so I'll be making mine last until they have their next sale!

Have you tried any of the Victoria's Secret body sprays? If so what's your favourite?


  1. Hi! I've never tried Victoria Secrets fragrances before, great post. Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. I am now following you on blogger as well as bloglovin!

    Hollie x

  2. I love Victoria Secret body sprays! They are so great and always smell so lovely :)
    Really great blog, and thanks for the follow! I will be following back!

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life


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