A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions and 21st Birthday Celebrations

Happy New Year guys!
I know it's a bit belated, but I wanted to write this post, even if it is a little behind everyone else's! Anyway, as for incorporating my 21st birthday into this post, my Birthday is actually on New Year's Eve so I had a little party because I never had one for my 18th. It was nothing massive but I had a really good night and spent it with my closest family and friends, you can't ask for a better way to start the new year really! I wore a dress from French Connection and heels from New Look (however you can't see those!)

Onto my resolutions! I actually haven't thought too deeply about them this year, they are more just some guidelines about how I want to live my life this year. I am going to be completely honest, I'm not just going to say "oo can't wait for 2014 bring it on etc etc." I'm actually really scared about this year! I have a lot of hard work to do to finish my degree, and frankly after over 15 years of being in education I'm running out of steam!! I cannot wait to finish. Although I know I'll miss my university friends and the lifestyle, the workload is just too stressful! So that's one resolution, to work hard and get my degree. I also know I'll have to get a job this year, whether that be a job concerning my degree or a job just to get some money whilst I'm looking, I will have to leave the job that I'm comfortable in at the moment and go on the job hunt again, which like most people, I dislike!

On a happier note, but still just as scary, I'm hoping to go to America this year to do Camp America. However if this doesn't work out I'll have to think of something else to do, but my resolution is definitely to go to a country that I haven't been to!

Overall I just want to be happy! It doesn't matter what I'm doing as long as I'm happy!

The last couple of years have been good ones, I really hope 2014 is just as good, and brings me exciting opportunities, even if they are scary! I will continue to blog too and it will be interesting to see how this blog and my YouTube channel changes over the year! Speaking of, my latest video is a summary of my year through photos:

What are your New Year's Resolutions?


1 comment

  1. Loved watching you year in photos, what a great idea! Would love to do something similar if only to have as a keep sake and look back on :)

    Hollie x


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