A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Monday 5 August 2013

Why We Should Drink Water!

So recently I've been trying to drink my two litres a day, and I am happy to say I'm succeeding on most days of the week! Since starting this it has made me realise how important water really is to our health. So I thought I would share the benefits of this simple stuff!

Firstly, you're not hungry, you're thirsty! When you feel a bit peckish chug down a glass of water and see if it helps! Also drinking water before and during meals helps you eat less by making you feel fuller, which can aid in wait loss if that is something you're aiming for.

One of the main reasons I drink a lot of water is to benefit my skin. When I've been having my 8 a day I definitely notice and improvement in my overall complexion and clearness of my skin! I noticed an improvement just after a couple of weeks, so try it and see if you do too!

It helps flush out all the nasty toxins in our bodies, when I drink a glass of water I imagine it flushing out all the bad things. If you feel a headache coming on you should reach for a glass of water, as you are probably dehydrated! Also if you are not getting enough water then your body will begin to store it, making you look bloated! So drink a lot you so your body doesn't need to do this.

I have read many times that you have more energy when drinking water, however I cannot really verify this because I started drinking more water around the same time that I started going to the gym regularly, which is an energy boost in its self, but it should help you feel more refreshed. It is also a great idea to keep sipping water when you are studying or working hard, as it helps your brain function and keeps you feeling refreshed! I definitely think this helps me when I am revising/writing essays.

Did you know your body is 70% water and your brain 90%? That's a lot that needs replenishing so drink up!

However I would definitely recommend just drinking tap water! I won't bore you by going into details, but bottled water is very expensive for what it is and it causes many problems for the areas around the world that it is sourced from. If you don't like the thought of drinking tap water, buy one of those nifty filter jugs! It gives it a "posh" taste ;). Along with the waste plastic bottles that are produced, just buy a bottle and refill for a cheap and eco friendly alternative :).

I know some of you may now be thinking "how do I drink all this water in one day?!" this is what I used to think, but now it's just habit and I even crave it! So here are a few tips:

As soon as you wake up, pour yourself a big glass of water and guzzle it down. It will take you less than two minutes! Your body hasn't had any fluids in hours and its probably dehydrated, if you wake up feeling groggy you probably just need some water to solve that!

If you're a gym bunny like me, drink at least a bottle of water there, you need to make up for all that water you sweat out!

Carry a bottle of water with everywhere you go. I always have one in my handbag, I couldn't function without it now! It also saves me a lot of money as I always have a drink at hand. If your bag is too small you could just keep it in your car or buy a mini bottle :).

Try to drink a glass of water with every meal, this will make you feel fuller and aid digestion.

Sometimes you may not feel thirsty at all, but once you start to drink you often find you are, so try to have a drink anyway!

Personally I always seem to get really thirsty at night, about 8pm when I'm sat watching TV. This is when I usually drink a lot as this offsets the cravings I usually get at this time too! However be mindful not to drink too much an hour before bed, unless you want to keep getting up for the toilet!

I hope this has helped anyone that didn't understand why we need water so much. I cannot recommend it enough, it is literally the cheapest and best beauty and health treatment! It just makes me feel clean and healthy when I drink it.

If anyone has anything they would like to share please comment below! <3

I'll leave you with some yummy looking pictures I took earlier! Add whatever you like if you want a bit more flavour, berries, lemon, cucumber etc. Lemon will give an energy boost too!


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