A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Saturday 17 August 2013

20 Facts About Me

So I've been blogging for about three weeks now and I just realised I haven't really posted anything about myself! So I thought I'd do a quick 20 facts about me to reveal a bit more about my mysterious self. ;)

1. I'm a pescatarian, (Blogger doesn't even recognise the word) however nobody knows what that is so I always tell everyone I'm a vegetarian! (If you don't know what a pescatarian is, Google it now!)

2. I'm a MASSIVE Harry Potter fan. It's gotten to the point where I know too much
 about the books and films, it's weird.

3. I'm a massive believer in karma, what goes around comes around!

4. I hardly ever wear jeans, I'm definitely more of a skirts/shorts/leggings kinda girl and I practically live in tights.

5. I study Geography at university, but I'm actually not that good at it, I was always better with English and Art. 

6. I've always wanted a pet dog but my parents never let me so I've had to settle for cats (although I love them just as much!)

Me and my kitty (she loves me) :)

7. I'm a CHOCOHOLIC. I actually think one of the most difficult things in life is not eating it, if it was healthy I would literally eat it all day, every day.

8. I'm actually quite good at drawing.

9. I'm currently watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix whilst writing this. Did I mention I'm obsessed?

I've even DRAWN Harry Potter! 

10. I have a boyfriend that lives in Oxfordshire, I met him at University because he lived next door to me in first year.

11. I don't actually have a favourite colour, it's something I try to decide on ALOT, but it all depends! I have a favourite colour to wear, then a different one to paint my nails, and a another one to paint my room, etc.

12. I think Hugh Jackman is the sexiest man on the planet.

13. If i don't workout at least three times a week, I feel extremely disappointed with myself and convince myself that all my hard work has been lost. (I know this is insane).

14. There's so many places I want to visit, Thailand, Florida, New York, Paris, Venice, Sydney... Never mind all the places in the UK!

15. I follow about 400 fitness accounts on Instagram, so whenever I'm losing my willpower I have a scroll through all the skinny people and healthy food and it helps get me back on track!

One of the many fitspos I like to read.

16. My hair is naturally brown, but I always dye it a darker brown.

17. I'm 5'6.5, but I have been since I was 11! "Why are you so tall?" Was a common question.

18. I currently spend my week days at home in Nottinghamshire, and my weekends in Sheffield working. But I'll soon be back in Sheffield full-time! 

19. I used to love reading about vampires (even before Twilight!) I read the entire Anne Rice vampire chronicles when I was 15..

20. Urban Decay is my favourite makeup brand purely for their eye makeup.

My favourite palette: Urban Decay Naked 2, (so glad I took a pic before I started it!)

I hope this has provided a little, (slightly random) insight into my life!


  1. Wonderful post..I like your new blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
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    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. Hi, I was a pescatarian too until last August, :) --your Harry Potter drawing is really awesome!

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  5. lovely post! I've just followed you on BlogLovin - i've just joined so still trying to work it out!


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