A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

March Summary

Honestly I have no idea where March has gone! Looking back it is just a blur.. I'm trying to think what I've done this month, and honestly I think the answer is not that much! 


I've still been working about 30 hours a week at work, so that's kept me busy! I think it really tired me out this month though, I was just really struggling to get up and couldn't wait for my week off near the end of the month! 

What I've been up to..

Okay now I've thought about it I actually have done a few bits.. My friend came back from travelling a couple of weeks ago so I've been catching up with him and we all went on a night out for his birthday which was really nice because I hadn't seen some of them in over a year! I've been on a couple more dates and the hunt for love still continues! Would anyone like me to do a post on the dating game?? Haha. I had my hair cut and highlighted (how exciting!) but I do actually really like the cut, it looks so fresh and actually looks nice straight and down now! Of course I watched the eclipse too, well tried to anyway but a load of clouds decided to interrupt it just as it was about to get going! So I didn't see much.. But I had my tripod set up and everything trying to get the perfect shot whilst not actually being able to look at the sun for fear of being blinded.. All good fun! 


Hmm I will have to admit I haven't been great this month! I've just been tired and had no motivation! This past week I've been ill with a cold which hasn't helped. I've probably been about 1-2 times a week, although I've been on some long walks and a run, so I guess I haven't been horrendous but it's not where I want to be at really! And I've been comfort eating, naughty!! Easter goodies don't help either! On next months post I really hope I'll be saying how good I've been! Once Easter is over *wink emoji*.


I've kept up with my two posts a week blogging-wise, which I am very happy about! Seeing as I'm the most scatty person ever.. And there's going to be a post on that soon.. I think I really enjoyed all of the posts I wrote this month too! I feel like I posted a good mixture, from 10 Tips To Make Your Makeup Last Longer (which I think went down well!) which was a light hearted but informative post, to my more intense Being Happy: Part II post. I even pulled out an OOTD post for you! Which rarely happens when you have to wear a uniform to work 5 days a week!

I'm also at nearly 500 followers on Bloglovin'! (496 as I'm writing this) wow!! I am so proud of how far my little blog has come, not just in terms of followers but just seeing how my photography and writing skills have slowly improved! I always see my blog as a work in progress, it is never perfect, but that's the fun of it! I am so happy that I've stuck at it too, since I never stick at anything! I even hit 100 published posts this month! I have no idea how I've even wrote 100 posts! When I reach 500 I will be doing my first giveaway, I haven't decided what I will giveaway yet, but keep an eye out so you can enter! I'm hoping it will happen in April. Thank you so much everyone that has followed/commented or even just read! It means a lot :).

What I've been loving...

In terms of beauty I got a few new bits in this haul, and I have been loving Estée Lauder's Advanced Night Repair and Clinique's Super Rescue Antioxidant Night Moisturiser, I think I'll do a nighttime skincare routine in April, as I feel I've finally got a routine that I love! 

As for none beauty things I've been loving, cups of tea! By the bucket! And not my usual herbal teas, but normal tea! I've also been pretty much living in my Ted Baker onesie in the evenings after work, its so cosy and when I feel ill it's really comforting, it's velour and the softest thing ever so I just love to stroke it! And it has rose gold buttons, need I say more? I have also been loving the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack, it's actually really good! Embarrassing when it flashes on my iPod at the gym though.. Hozier's album is another I've been loving too, his album is unusual but I love it!

Anyway, here's what I posted on Instagram this March!
march summary
1. Experimenting with Naked 2 Basics palette (review coming soon!)
2. Went on a 5 mile run with Hozier for motivation.
3. I was off for the week but was ill so spent most of the week with a lemon and honey editing blog posts.
4. Another Urban Decay makeup look, this time using Vice 3 (review coming very soon!)
5. My attempt at photographing the eclipse..
6. OOTD as seen in this post.
7. This quote says a lot.
8. Urban Decay Vice 3 smokey brown look (got a few Instagrammed this month didn't I?!)
9&10. Photos from my night out in Sheffield
11. OOTN in Sheffield! Dress is from Misguided (last year).
12. Hello March!

Read my February Summary here.

What did you get up to this March? :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post and lovely instagram photos.=)

  3. I would love a dating post! I need about as many tips as I can get ;)


    1. haha okay! I'm no expert in love but I can offer some advice I guess ;) x

  4. This post is so lovely and well written, Such an interesting little snapshot into your life!
    Hope you've had a great easter week,
    Bethany x


    Do pop over to my blog, if you fancy of course, and tell me what you think!

    1. Thanks! I like writing them so I can look back and remember what each month was like :) You too :) x

  5. Your makeup looks so good in all of these pictures, I`m a bit jealous:) I can`t stand 50 Shades of Grey as a movie, but I must admit, the soundtrack is great, I love all of the songs.
    P.S. Congrats on your followers!


    1. Thank you :) haha I didn't mind the film but not sure I'd watch it again! It's really good isn't it, I can't get enough! Thank you :D x

  6. Hozier on a run = heaven :)
    Love your blog and photos.


  7. Cute blog! I agree, having motivation to workout can be a challenge sometimes, I just think of Nike and Just Do It! Congrats on reaching 500 followers on bloglovin!


    x Kellie

    1. Thanks :) Yeh I do that sometimes too, and I follow so many fitspo accounts on instagram which bombard me with quotes :P Thank you! :D I actually missed 500 :( was 502 when I checked haha! xx


I love to read your thoughts! :) x

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