A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Confessions Of A Scatty Girl

fossil and tiffany

Over the last few years, no matter how much I've tried to convince myself otherwise, tried to be exceptionally organised and punctual, I'm scatty. And I think it's about time I admitted it! So here's another list... 

1. No matter how much time I have to get ready, whether it's 20 minutes or 3 hours, I'm always running round like a headless chicken the last five minutes, and I'm usually late. 

2. Even though my job is essentially putting away clothes, when it comes to putting away my own washing I just can't seem to do it! It sits in a neat pile in the corner of my room for a week usually..

3. Because I'm always in a rush, my room always ends up a mess because I'm chucking things around in a panic!

4. I'll write myself To Do lists, and I'll never get everything done, then I'll feel like a terrible human being.

5. If I didn't write to do lists, my life would just dissolve into chaos..

6. But I write them on my phone, because I'm useless at keeping notebooks..

7. I always forget to make my lunch for work the next day until I'm just about to go to bed!

8. I always forget to reply to texts/messages/tweets etc. Don't take it personally!

9. I forget to take photos for posts, or I take photos and forget I've taken them..

10. It only took me a year and a half to get a solid routine for posts on my blog!

11. When I was at uni I would always start the year vowing to write notes and have them all organised neatly by module. This always ended up with me having one notebook, stuffed with notes from different modules allover the place, and everything would fall out every time I opened it!

12. Whenever I cook, it looks like a bomb went off in the kitchen. 

13. I get distracted so easily.. What was I saying?

14. For a woman I'm pretty useless at multitasking too! 

Please tell me I'm not the only one whose like this, are any of you just as bad as I am?! Give me some tips to cure my scatty ways!


  1. love this post <3..so true find myself doing nearly all those things!!!
    Chloe xx

  2. I can relate so much to this post. Even if I start preparing for work 20 minutes before or 3 hours before, I`m still running late. One thing I improved this year though, was replying to messages and contacting people. Now I put an alarm at 5pm daily, when I start calling/texting my friends:))


  3. Ahah I get you so much, I can relate to a lot of what you've written!


  4. Haha, love this post so much and I could've wrote this list myself! I always forget what I'm saying too! x

    Beyond The Velvet | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  5. Hahaha! I'm scatty too, I've not heard that word in years but it's perfect!

    Corinne x

  6. I think I do nearly every single on of these!
    Hope you've had a great Saturday,
    Bethany x


    Do pop over to my blog, if you fancy of course, and tell me what you think!

  7. I'm am not scatty at all! Haha! I love being detail-oriented and planning things in advanced, it gives me such great joy that people find weird for some reason...

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

  8. Aww, that post is so cute!
    i am pretty much the same, haha

    lots of love, Hannah xx


  9. My clothes sit in a pile as well! I have just chucked loads out to stop me lol!
    fixmeinfortyfivex.blogspot.co.uk - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  10. I have the illusion of being organised but I am exactly the same! I write notes on my phone and forget to check them! It's serious! And I'm still not organised with my blog!! Very honest post lovely ha!

    Kay x


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