A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

My Favourite Bloggers

my favourite bloggers
Image from Tumblr

I always love reading people's lists of favourite bloggers, as it leeds me onto new great blogs! So I thought I would share my favourites. These are by no means all of the blogs I read, but these are the ones I seem to read the most.
You'll notice that I've missed out some of the most popular bloggers such as Tanya Burr, but that's just because I tend to watch their YouTube videos rather than read their blogs. So maybe I'll write a favourite YouTubers list next!

So without further ado...

 Dana Wonder Forest -

Dana's blog is always so helpful! She shares so many blogging tips about design and gets deep into the technical stuff, but she does it in a way that even I can follow! Wonder Forest is great for tutorials and she even has her own blog templates shop. Dana is such an honest and endearing person, she shares some very personal lifestyle posts, you can't help but feel connected to her through her blog.

♥ Suzie Hello October -

I love Suzie's writing style, she always sounds so friendly but she really knows how to convey products well in her review's too. Her reviews are usually spot on too, so I take what she says seriously! I love her lifestyle posts, and her gorgeous little pup! I'm always checking her Instagram for cute photos!

 Victoria Inthefrow 

Victoria is a stunning human being! And she has a beautiful personality to match. Her photography is always flawless, I'm so jealous! I don't think there is one outfit she couldn't pull off.. Again her Instagram is one I like to stalk regularly! I admire her for her daily postings too, there never seems to be any that have been rushed! And I have no idea how she kept all this up when she was lecturing and studying too. Amazing!

♥ Jenny Jennypurr 

Jennypurr is where I go for any blogging help I might need! She has advice nailed. From technicalities, to simply lacking inspiration. Her creative posts are easy to read and follow and I think that all new bloggers should give her blog a read before you hit publish on that first post! You won't regret it.

♥ Marianna Mariannan 

I can't actually remember how I stumbled across Marianna and her blog. She's a beautiful girl from Finland and her posts are always flawless. Forget the writing, post a few pretty pictures and I'm hooked! Marianna posts fashion mixed with reviews and lifestyle, my favourite kind of blog.

♥ Niomi Niomi Smart 

I absolutely love Niomi's blog, she posts so many inspirational healthy food posts! If I'm lacking healthy inspiration, Niomi's blog is the first place I visit! She also posts some lovely lifestyle posts, which I'm very envious of! Her dress sense is always impeccable too! Niomi's lifestyle is very inspirational and great to read about.

♥ Jessica Our Baby Blog 

I've thrown Our Baby Blog into the mix as a bit of a different blog from the norm. But I have a secret, I actually love reading parenting blogs! Seems a bit mental I know as I'm not planning on having kids anytime soon, but I'd love to think I'm prepared when the time comes! I've actually followed Jess since the Bebo days! She's a lovely girl and a great photographer. It's been amazing to see her journey over the years, from a Bebo template designer, I used to follow her Photoshop tutorials religiously and now she's a mother to beautiful little Abbie! I love reading Jessica's blog and her photos really are stunning.

♥ Vivianna Vivianna Does Makeup 

Who doesn't love Vivianna?! I don't really know how to explain her posts, but it's like she knows me, make sense?! She's so chatty, but her blog is also so reliable as she knows everything there is to know about beauty products! Anything new on the block and she's there, review done! Her blog is the blog I'll head to if I'm thinking about getting a new moisturiser but not sure what to get; she'll have a few reviewed that will help me decide! I just love her writing style in general.

All of these bloggers inspire me in one way or another, whether it's their photos, fashion sense or writing style. But I always consider how they present their posts when I am writing my own. Thank you for being so great ladies.

Who are your favourite bloggers?


  1. I love Vivianna does makeup! Great post, I'll have to check out Wonder Forest and JennyPurr I could do with some blogging tips


  2. Love Inthefrow! I really like Lily Pebble's blog! x


  3. This is a great list of bloggers! I'll have to check them out. Thanks for sharing!


  4. Ooh, I love reading good blogs and discovering new ones! The list is always growing! I'll definitely check these ones out :) I love Hannah Gales blog, she's a fantastic writer and a massive inspiration to me x


  5. Thanks for sharing! Amazing bloggers!

    Made in Mauve // Giveaway

  6. I follow some of these blogs and its always nice to find new bloggers too! :)
    You definitely picked awesome bloggers babe xxx

    Hope you're well and thanks for linking me to some awesome new people x


  7. My queens are Claire Marshall (renewed blog) and Essiebutton! You should check them out!



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