A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Being Happy...

I know this is a bit of a random subject, but it's just something I've felt like writing for a while and I'm feeling philosophical :). This isn't a post on "how to be happy" I'm no expert on that! But I just though I'd write about what I feel about happiness. After all, life is about being happy, right?! 

Being happy, it sounds so simple. But I know for many people it's not. Different things make us happy, whether it's the big things in life, or all the simple, little things that all add up to make our lives what they are. I know when I was younger, in my teenage years, sometimes I just felt I struggled to be happy. I wouldn't go as far as saying I was depressed, but I think you're teenage years are a very confusing time; you're riddled with hormones, you don't really know who you are and you're under a lot of pressure to be and look a certain way. If you're in this position, I think you just have to remember that you're situation is not permanent, things will change and get better and those people who put you down will most likely end up being losers later on in life. Horrible people have very few true friends remember.

As I got older I just seemed to wake up feeling happy more often. I'm not sure what changed to be honest, my confidence has improved a lot and I know that if I want something in life then I just need to go out and get it. I've also learnt not too worry too much, things do have a way of working out. I also do try to believe everything happens for a reason. If your boyfriend breaks up with you, just try to think that he wasn't the one. Obviously you don't just get over someone in a day, but it does help to stay positive. 

There are some things in my life that are big and scary, and could get worse anytime soon, and although sometimes I do get really upset about the situation, I try not to panic and live every day being happy. Even if it just means watching your favourite tv programme at the end of a long hard day, if it's something that you can look forward to and will make you happy, then do it. 

I think self confidence does determine a huge amount of how happy we are, of course along with having a loving and supporting set of family and friends. If you are confident you do feel like you can take anything life throws at you. Confidence is something I'm still working on. It's important to love your family and not take them for granted, as they are truly the only people in your life that you know will stick around. As for friends, I find it's better to have a small group of close friends, rather than a large group of extended friends. I know my friends will always be there for me when I need them, and I can honestly see us still being friends when we are old biddies. 

Appreciate the little things in life. That's where I think happiness lies. Take everything a day at a time and try not to overthink things. It will work out :).  Always have hope, even when things are looking really dark. Get rid of the negative things in your life, if they are bringing you down you don't need them. Whether that be a job or a boyfriend or anything else. Look after your body too, that will give you confidence. Hold your head high, you're just as important as anyone else. Embrace what you have and remind yourself what you're good at and what makes you, you. Be the best version of you, not a poor copy of someone else. Everyone has down days when you just don't want to get out of bed. This is normal and sometimes it's just your body's hormones reaping havoc. Do what makes you happy, even if that means taking a risk, you'll only regret it if you don't. 

Being independent can make you happy, I took a risk when I went to uni, I was terrified but I went out there, completely out of my comfort zone, I used to be terrified of getting the bus alone but I got on the train to the nearest shopping centre and went out there and got myself a job. I felt proud of myself for doing something that scared me.  

I'm sorry if this post was a bit deep for some of you, but I want my blog to be honest and have some depth to it for those who need help. It's also quite a reflective post on my part too, as I think some of the things I've mentioned I've managed to overcome in the last couple of years. I promise my next post will be nice and light ;).




  1. I do believe that when you get older you'll learn to appreciate the little things that make you happy more and you won't be worrying about the "stupid" things. When bad things are happening to me or to people around me I like to take a deep breath, accept the fact that it's happening, be sad for a little while, move on and think about all the beautiful things that are going well in my life.

    wow I'm guessing this is a deep comment as well! ha!

    anyway; I'm now following you. Love your blog :)


    1. Yeh I totally agree with you. Life needs to be appreciated! Haha nothing wrong with that! :) Thank you! xx

  2. I really love this post! I'm 17 I'd say I'm currently at the stage where I'm struggling to feel happy everyday just like you did and it's good to know that I'm not the only one :) p.s I love your blog! :)

    Paige x

    1. I'm sorry to hear that! :( I think a lot of people your age feel the same way though, it's just a confusing time! but it will get better :) I just have this way at looking at things now that I didn't before, you just have to think that things will work out! Thanks! :) xx

  3. This sounds a lot like me right now, I love this post, and I'm glad that someone feels the same! Thanks for doing this post<3 xoxoxo


    1. I think everyone feels like this at some stage, but you appreciate the good more if you experience the bad I guess :/ Thanks lovely :) xxx

  4. Really nice post, shows you care about how people feel and its a good quality to have!
    You are really pretty and you should never feel down.,. even though we all get down at times!

    :) life is what you make it and when i feel sad i always put my hand on my heart and thank whoever is up there that im here for another day!!

    Great blog..


    1. aww thanks for that lovely comment! :) I believe that too, it is what you make it and if you want to change something then go out and change it! xxx


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