A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Monday 17 February 2014

Monday Fitspiration

I thought I'd provide you all with some fitness inspiration this morning! I was in need of some and then I remembered that it's Monday, and what way to start of the week than with a positive burst of will power? (Especially after Valentine's weekend!).

Here are some of my personal favourite fitness pics, (most taken from Instagram, but there's a foody in there of my own!) 

I want this to be a light hearted post, but I should probably just cover myself here by saying don't take anything to extremes, skinny is not necessarily healthy, as long as you're fit and healthy it doesn't matter what size you are, and the occasional treat is fine just remember that key word moderation!

Happy Monday!



  1. I might go for a run!
    Make sure to check out my blog:


  2. Hey :) I love your blog so I nominated you for an award over on mine!

    http://jaderosa.blogspot.co.nz x

  3. Becca I nominated you for the Liebster award if you look at my blog post it will show you what to do :) xxx


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