A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Things That Annoy Me at the Gym

I've been going to the gym a lot more recently and I've kinda noticed that there's a few things that really get on my wick.. So as you know I love writing a good old list, so I though I'd get them all of my chest!

1. When people talk on the phone. If you can talk that easily, you're not working hard enough.

2. When guys literally throw their weights on the floor, and I jump so hard I about fall of the treadmill.
Mike treadmill

3. When people scream/grunt/shout; you're not giving birth!
gym scream meme
4. When you really want to use that piece of equipment, but there's someone just sat on it texting!
gym texting meme
5. People that post on social media about going to the gym, when they're sat doing nothing.
gym meme
6. Getting static shocks off the treadmill, like it's not scary enough as it is!
gym memes
7. Having to hunt around the whole room for a weight because somebody didn't put it back.

8. When you put your hair up and it just keeps falling out. Bun? nope. Ponytail? nope. Three bobbles?! Nope.
leg day meme
9. Girls that talk constantly and aren't really working out (hence why I prefer going to the gym alone!).
gym talking meme
10. When there's no where to put your iPod so resort to putting it down your bra..

11. Those naked women in the changing room that seem to manage to put everything else on first before their knickers. I just don't know where to look!

12. When it's so busy and you can't get on anything :(
new years gym meme
What annoys you most at the gym!?


  1. Replies
    1. haha thanks! I'm sure there's a few I missed out ;) x

  2. I don't go the gym but I'm sure a lot of these things would annoy me, especially if my hair kept on falling out! Great post, xx

    Beyond The Velvet | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Yeh that drives me crazy! so distracting haha. Thanks! xx

  3. I've currently stopped going to the gym due to my boyfriend getting a weight bench at home so I lost my gym buddy :( but my biggest fear was I would ruin my ipod by sweating on it, haha!

    allthatshimmers.co.uk xo

    1. aww you should try going alone! I do and I think I prefer it actually :) Mine has a rubber case but I still worry about it! x


  4. Yes in every gym in every town there are women who love walking around the changing rooms naked :-) great post

  5. Haha, loved your list and I can sympathise with every single one of the points you raised. Good to know these things annoy others too. We should start sending gyms huge posters to hang on their walls.

    1. Thanks! :) That's an idea, what you can and can't do ;)

  6. Haha, loved your list and I can sympathise with every single one of the points you raised. Good to know these things annoy others too. We should start sending gyms huge posters to hang on their walls.

  7. Haha I would be so annoyed I rather work out at home :P


    1. To be honest if I had more space I probably would too!

  8. This made me laugh so much, you're so right, people texting at the gym really gets on my nerves, it defeats the point. Following you now <3

    Meme xx

    New Blog Post out now:
    'Turkey Chili with Rice'

    1. Yes exactly! Thanks lovely I'm following you to :) xx

  9. All of these things would annoy me ha! I run so I don't use the gym, I love outdoor running but I have a treadmill that I use when it's too damn cold to go outside. The bit about the iPod down the bra...I've been know to put my water bottle there on the treadmill haha! And I hate people who post about the gym too! Plus my hair NEVER stays in when I run!!!!

    Fab little post, thanks for commenting on my blog too!

    Kay xx

    1. I definitely prefer outdoor running, I get really bored running in the gym! But it is cold outside :( haha your water bottler?! Think mine is a bit too large to fit! But I hate carrying it when I'm running! Thanks for commenting and you're welcome! :) xx

  10. This is why I don't go the Gym, haha. I hate exercise to be honest but I'd rather do something at home rather than a gym exercise! x x


    1. There are a lot of good YouTube channels out there if you ever wanted to do anything at home! :) xx

  11. This is great and I agree with you about all of it. I'm going to add one pet peeve...people who don't wear deodorant! It was different in North America but here in Poland...oh it's a problem.

    1. Thanks! :) oh no! I've never experienced that issue, but I can imagine that is not nice haha xx

  12. This made me laugh, agree with almost all of this especially number 3 haha!

    Rebecca Coco

  13. Glad you liked it! :) haha so annoying isn't it x

  14. I LOVE this post and everything you have written is spot on hahaha :)


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