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Thursday 5 September 2013

First Year Tips

Firstly, if you're starting first year this year, that means you conquered your A Levels and managed to get through all the rigorous applications and interviews, so congratulations!

I started university two years ago now (where did that go?!) so I've learnt a few bits and bobs along the way, and if I could go back there would be a few things I would change! So I have compiled a list of tips and essentials for all you freshers :).

 List of Essentials:

Coat hangers - often over looked!
Tablets - for the dreaded fresher's flu.
Food essentials such as pasta, soup, salt, cereal, oil, gravy granules etc. You can buy all the perishables like milk and fruit when you get there, but make sure you have some essentials so you don't have to buy anything!
Toilet roll - probably the thing you'll argue about most with your house mates if you share a bathroom, so make sure you have a secret stash!
Cleaning products - your pad might need a going over when you arrive...
Alcohol - needs no explanation.
Playing cards - great for drinking games!
Iron - unless your halls has one, I wouldn't worry about a board though, they are bulky and I just use a towel on a flat surface :).
Extension cable - you may be short on plugs or not have them in the right places!
Full length mirror - if you're vain like me you'll want one.
Under the bed storage - I bought those plastic ikea boxes for first year as you often have a tiny wardrobe!
Wash basket - I have a pink pop up one :)
Wash stand - you will be extremely lucky if you have a garden with a washing line, these are a good alternative!
Washing up liquid and sponges - you don't want to realise you can't wash your pots!
Draining board - Not necessary but halls don't usually have them and they are helpful.
*I honestly wouldn't bother bringing a kettle or toaster. Most halls usually have a kettle but if not someone may have brought one already, and don't waste your money when you could all split the cost.

Obviously there are more essentials than this, but I just wanted to make a list of the non-obvious ones :).


♥ Homesickness 

You will most likely be homesick at some point. This is not fun, but it is normal. I was homesick before I even left! I've always been a home-bird and loved living at home but I knew I needed to live away to get some independence and I loved it in the end, but I cried when my parents left me! You just have to remember friends and family are only a phone call away :).

♥ Health is Important

Be reasonably healthy! I do know a lot of people that live off take aways, sugary cereals and beans on toast at university. This is okay occasionally, but if you live this way you will get fat! Many students end up living in leggings by the end of the year as this is all that fits! Join your uni's gym (they're usually very cheap!) and keep in some fruit and steam fresh veg which is so easy to cook. If you don't eat your vitamins you will get ill a lot which isn't fun!

♥ King of the Kitchen

Learn to cook before you go! I think this follows on from my last point, get your mum to teach you a couple of quick and easy meals! This may sound obviously easy but make sure you know how to cook a jacket potato and also mashed potato, and spaghetti bolognese and shepherds pie are also good, easy meals to know how to cook. You don't need to be Jamie Oliver! However I really enjoyed expanding my cooking skills, I use the BBC Good Food website a lot, there's a range of different recipes from the easy to expert!

♥ Confidence is Key

Be confident! This was a bit of a challenge for me as I was quite shy when I started first year... But you just have to keep telling yourself that everyone is in the same boat! Just walk into a lecture, sit next to someone and have a little chat, they won't bite! It also helps to try and find some people online on your course or in your halls using Ucas You Go or good old Facebook! I managed to find a few people in my halls that did the same course as me, so we all were able to walk to uni together which was good because being useless with directions I didn't even know how to get there! Don't be afraid to ask people in the streets question's either, I had to get the train alone and I had no idea how so the first few times I just asked random people!

♥ Conflicts

It's almost inevitable that you will have a clash of opinions with your house mates at some point. After all, these are people you've been thrown in with and you may have nothing in common with at all! Arguments usually result over menial things like one person never washing their pots and using everyone else's. Another common conflict is the over loo roll! You may have bought it last, and refuse to buy the next lot, and so the loo roll strike begins... I think a good idea is to set out rules about cleanliness and pitching in from the start, maybe create a rota. You may sound silly but this could prevent a lot of pointless arguments! In these situations everyone involved usually thinks they're the most hard done to. Believe me I've felt this way! You just have to rise above it, try not to think too much about it or bitch, and try to reach a compromise.

♥ Travel

Buy a railcard if you travel a lot, I've probably saved myself hundreds of pounds!

♥ Budget

Live within your means and try to workout a suitable weekly budget. Also don't spend your loan all at once! You will need that for bills and food! Desperately trying to get out of your overdraft all year is not fun, it is not free money. Trust me on this!

♥ Workload

First year is usually seen as a "doss year" for many students, as for a lot of courses it doesn't actually count as long as you just pass. However it is really important to develop good habits early so that you succeed later. I should just add that I am no saint myself! I have spent many a night, coffee in hand frantically searching for those essential references and pounding at my keyboard so its done for the next day. So take it from me, this is NOT a good idea! It absolutely kills you at the time and the work produced will not be of your best quality. Time management is key, especially if you have a job like I have throughout uni, then you have to be so strict with your time. You may look at your schedule and think "oh I have 6 assignments due in two months time, that's absolutely fine." START NOW! Thats only just over a week per assignment, and I'm sure you will have other plans so you need to start planning them all at least so you know what you're doing! Assignments are often sneaky like that, you're on top of them until you realise they're all in at once! There's no better feeling than completing an assignment to what you believe is your best ability, un-rushed. Trust me! Your grades will thank you too :).

♥ Safety

Be careful. If you have a lock on your door, use it. Thieves like parties as its a chance to steal your belongings. Always walk home with someone, city areas can be unsafe! Look after your bag as many people make a living out of stealing phones. Don't accept a drink off anyone unless you've seen them buy it, it could be spiked! Watch out for fake Vodka from dodgy shops too. If the price is too good to be true, it's probably dangerous. I have no right to say this, but drink responsibly! You don't want to end up hurt. Safe sex is also a must!!

Lastly, have FUN!! You're about to start some of the best years of your life. Enjoy them for what they are and don't over think things too much. Look out for each other and make yourself some life long friends.

Below I've included some pictures of my accommodations, I apologise for the poor quality, I wasn't intending on posting these on a blog when I took them!

My first student halls in Sheffield. We were on the top floor so got a gorgeous view of the city (spot the UFOs!) haha the light reflected in the window ;) I loved this accommodation but it was awful moving in having to drag my stuff up six flights of stairs! I didn't take any pics of my room oops!

This is my second year accommodation which was an apartment above a restaurant. I pulled the short straw and got the smallest room with a hole under the stairs for a cupboard :( I wasn't very happy where I lived during this year. The third picture is the state I came back to when I left for one night! Need I say more?

Finally, here is my third year accommodation. I haven't moved in properly yet but I love it. I'm living with different people this year (girlie flat!) and I can't wait to live out my third year here. I got a much bigger room this time too, yay! :)

I added one of my cooking triumphs for you too - these are savoury cheese and spinach pancakes, yum!


  1. love your blog! i nominated you for the Liebster award http://emmareasbeck.blogspot.ae/2013/09/liebster-award.html x

  2. Such a good list of essentials for freshers!

    Haha, I've also nominated you for a Liebster Award - two in the space of a few days! If you want to take part just check out the link :)



    1. Thank you I'm not really sure what its about so ill check out the link! :) xxx

  3. great post:-)x


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