A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Victoria's Secret Body Spray: Sensual Blush

victoria's secret sensual blush
This is the second year in a row I've waited until the Victoria's Secret Boxing Day sale to buy a body spray, I think it's becoming a tradition! I can't bring myself to pay the full £10.99 for them, but £5.50 is much more reasonable! Last year I bought True Escape, and you can read my review of that here (also interesting to see how my blogging style has changed since then!)

victoria's secret sensual blush

The claim:
sensual blush description
I can't say this spray "calms me" when I use it, but it does make me smell very nice and sweet! Sensual Blush is much more sweet than True Escape, bordering on sickly, but I do like it. It's nice for every day wear, and the scent does last a while, longer than most body sprays. I like Victoria's Secret sprays because you get a lot in them so you don't have to worry about spraying them sparingly. They're also good just to make your room smell nice, and the bottle just looks so pretty in my bedroom!

victoria's secret body spray
If you live in the UK Victoria's Secret isn't available online yet, but they are slowly expanding their stores across the UK. My nearest ones are Bullring, Birmingham and Meadowhall, Sheffield. I got my friend to pick up Sensual Blush on her trip to Meadowhall as I was sadly working the sales myself!

Have you tried any of Victoria's Secret's body sprays? What did you think? 


  1. Never tried any of these perfumes before but sounds just lovely, love how the scent lasts a long time :)

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    1. Yeh they are good for saying they are just sprays! :) Yes of course, sorry I took so long to write back! x

  2. I love the VS scents! Sadly I don't have a store near me though so have to make a special trip whenever I'm in London!

    www.saltandchic.com // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Yes I'm the same! I used to work in Meadowhall where there was one but now I'm miles away :( xx

  3. i've never tried any of the VS scents, I've heard so much about them - i might have to pick one up x


    1. They are definitely worth a try :) Although get one when they're on sale! x

  4. Good review, I love when you wrote "Sensual Blush is much more sweet than True Escape, bordering on sickly, but I do like it."! I've given the body sprays a sniff here and there and purchased it for friends but not yet for myself, I do find most of the scents I've smelled quite sweet (which I suppose is VS) :)

    1. Thanks! I would say I prefer True Escape but I still like Sensual Blush, depends what mood I'm in! x

  5. I have some of these, I got them from Florida and I really need to use them up. I love Amber Romance!

    Corinne x

  6. Hi Becca!
    I really like your blog and have nominated you for the Liebster Award! To see your list of questions, check out my post: https://lucyslifeandbeautyblog.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/the-liebster-award/
    Lucy x

    1. Hi Lucy, thank you! :) I'll have a look x

  7. i love their scents but i haven't tried them in a while!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. You should get one while they're on sale :) x

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