A beauty, health and lifestyle blog.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Nivea Essential Care Lip Balm Review

 This post is more a rave about this product more than a review. I've used this product since I was about 11 years old, in fact it was probably my first beauty product! I've tried many other lip balms over the 10 years since, but I always, always come back to this one. 

The claim:

"Essential Care lip salve that locks in moisture, providing long lasting lip moisturising care and protection. It effectively helps protect your lips from drying out. An all-round lip moisturiser."

I am one of those people that cannot stand dry or tight lips, I always have lip balm on me, and I must apply it at least every couple of hours. So of course it's preferable to have one that lasts a bit longer! 

I really don't know how to explain why I like this lip balm more than others. It's not a case of it being less greasy or sticky (although it is!) It's more that it just feels comfortable. Make any sense?! It makes my lips feel so smooth and soft, and it really does lock in moisture. It makes my lips silky soft and it has a nice fresh smell too.They also don't feel tight or dry for a long time after applying either, whereas others I've tried (Baby lips, Vaseline, Palmers, Body Shop, other Nivea lip balms...) all seem to leave my lips wanting more and seem to disappear pretty fast. Also when I apply it before bed I wake up and my lips are still soft! 

Sometimes I don't like to wear anything on my lips, and this product just leaves my lips with a nice sheen and makes them look plumper. I also like to apply a small amount before applying lipstick because I hate the drying effect that most lipsticks have and this stops that. I also must add I never get chapped or dry lips, and I thank this product! But I am a lip balm addict. 

The tube usually lasts me a couple of months, but I use so much so I wouldn't be surprised if it lasted anyone else even 6 months?! Ingredients wise it contains Jojoba Oil and and natural Shea Butter. Can't really go wrong there can you?

Nivea Essential Care is available at Boots for £1.64 and £1.10 at Superdrug (currently on offer). However you can also get it at Poundland and other cheap shops for £1! How do they get away with these price differences?!  

What's your favourite lip balm?

1 comment

  1. I'm a lip balm hoarder as well! I've never tried this one though, but it sounds really good!
    Eden from edenroses


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