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Friday, 5 December 2014

Easy Christmas Nails

christmas nails tutorial

glittery nails

barry m nails
I won't lie, I'm pretty average when it comes to nails! But that's why I wanted to come up with something simple and easy for you guys to recreated, if you're like me and not that steady handed or simply don't have the patience! The colours I used were all by Barry M and I got them all last year, but I'm sure they will have something similar this year!

The effect I wanted to create was an ombre one, and I purposefully put the white shimmery colour at the bottom so when they chipped they wouldn't be as noticeable!

Step 1: Apply a base coat so the varnish won't stain your nails.

Step 2: Apply the pink glittery nail colour to the top half of your nails. Don't do it in a perfect half, leave it a little rough so it blends into the other colour better.

Step 3: When the first colour is dry, apply the white shimmery colour to the bottom half of your nails and blend it up slightly into the pink.

Step 4: Layer over any more colour as necessary.

Step 5: One dry, go over all of your nails with the silver glitter varnish. This step isn't necessary but it helps blend the colours together better and adds a bit more sparkle!

Step 6: Finish it all off with a good top coat! I quite like the Barry M one. 

If you're feeling creative you could draw on some snowflakes too!

You can view the full Barry M glitter range at here at Boots!

How will you be painting your nails this Christmas?


  1. Your nails look so beautiful! :) Really loved the colors you used!

  2. What a pretty look!


I love to read your thoughts! :) x

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