So over May I literally didn't post a thing (oops!) very bad Becca!! However I decided to put my blog on the back burner for the month, as I was in my final month of uni so had a lot of deadlines and I was also working 30+ hours a week desperately trying to scrape money together for my trip, so life was hectic! I also had to juggle this with having my final uni nights out, packing up my flat, moving back to Nottingham and then sorting through what was an absolute ton of stuff! I've charity shopped/sold about 5 bin bags worth of stuff! And my storage is still full! I have also been preparing for America, which has included buying all the necessities, packing, sorting out all my documents, sorting out my ipod, etc... Since I got home I have also been frantically trying to catch up with all my friends before I go, and I've been doing some running too so I pretty much haven't had a spare minute!
I leave on Friday for America, for those of you who don't know, I'm going there for 3 months on a programme called Camp America. It involves working as a photographer at a summer camp in Wisconsin for 8 weeks and then I will be doing my own travelling for 30 days afterwards! I have booked two treks with a friend who I met through Camp America who is working at the same camp as me. Here is a list of the places the treks will be taking us:
Los Angeles
San Diego
The Grand Canyon
Las Vegas
Panama City Beach
New Orleans
Appalachian Mountains
Washington DC
New York
The travelling part will be a mixture of hotels, hostels and camping. At the moment I'm really excited but the nervs are starting to set in! I've never been away from home for this long, but everyone keeps telling me how amazing it's going to be, and I've never been to America before, so that is making me feel better! However it hasn't all gone smoothly, my boyfriend of two years broke up with me a couple of days ago. He was initally fine with the trip as we already had a long distance relationship, however he changed his mind. I've got really mixed feelings about this, I essentially feel I'll be better off in the long run without him, he didn't treat me how he should have, but of course I am upset about it. But what better place to get over a break up than in America right?! Got to keep thinking positive and not dwell on the past!
I feel like I've had some massive emotional hauls all in the space of the last two weeks, I've finished uni so no longer a student, I quit my job in Sheffield and had to say goodbye to some amazing friends and now I've said goodbye to the man I loved for two years of my life, my mum hasn't been very well either and now I am off to America for 3 months. I think all things considered I'm coping pretty well?! Just hoping I don't have an emotional break down while I'm there!! I also must mention my friends have all been amazing, I couldn't ask for better people in my life.
I keep bombarding myself with all those cheesy quotes at the moment to stay positive haha. Look to the future and all that. At least my grades are looking good so far!
Anyway quite a personal post for me there, I don't normally share this much but I thought it was appropriate to explain a few things seeing as I haven't posted anything in so long, and I also like reading these types of posts myself. Also while I am gone I obviously won't be able to post, but I have actually pre-written a lot of reviews so will schedule them to post while I'm away, and when I'm back I will bombard you all with pictures from America! Be prepared! I also apologise now as I won't be able to reply to any comments etc. but I will get on top of it when I'm back! :) Really planning on taking this blog seriously now my studies are over! I have a lot planned for my little corner of the internet.
Let me know if any of you have done something similar or have visited America! I am particularly looking forward to seeing New Orleans (massive Originals and Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles fan!)
Here are a few pictures from the last month that sum it up!
Baking cookies for work
Last day at work :(
Half my stuff!
Goodbye Sheffield!
Goodbye student life :(
Home drinks
Running with the gang!
Longest I've run!
Scarecrow competition?!
Leaving BBQ
Packing for America!
My funky case
Hope you have a blast and I can't wait to see all the pics! Having just sold/packed up all my stuff to move to Europe I feel really comfortable saying that you shouldn't freak out about what to bring. We pretty much have all the same stuff if you suddenly realize you've left something behind!